Détail de l'événement(ID:181872) 

28 fév 2020 (=) 


calendrier: Grégorien 

France   Chronologie France 

57 cas de Covid-19 sont confirmés (+19) et 2 morts. 

Chronologies associées avec cet événement:

Chronologie Pandémie de Covid-19 Statistiques


19 new case in France [source] "A new stage of the epidemic has been reached. We've now moved to stage 2: which means the virus circulates in our territory and we have to slow down its spread." said French Health Minister Olivier Véran. [source] New cases include: - 6 in the Oise region - 2 in the village of La Balme-de-Sillingy, in Haute-Savoie: they are relatives of the first contaminated in the town: a man who had returned from a trip to Italy and whose wife, friend, and friend's wife then contracted the virus. The infected friends had then participated to a 120-guest gathering on Feb.

Willy Aubert

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