Détail de l'événement(ID:154014) 

19 jan 2017 (=) 

calendrier: Grégorien 

Royaume-Uni   Chronologie Royaume-Uni 

Le plus grand écran LED d'Europe (784m2) remplace le panneau lumineux de Piccadilly Circus à Londres. 

Chronologies associées avec cet événement:

Chronologie Londres
Chronologie Piccadilly
Chronologie Ecrans


The largest single digital screen in Europe is being claimed by Land Securities as it reveals plans to replace the iconic Piccadilly Lights in London in 2017. The single LED display will cover an area of 784m² and will offer greater than 4K resolution (5490 x 2160). Land Securities, which owns the West End advertising space, worked with media owner Ocean Outdoor to secure permission from Westminster City Council to install the Daktronics curved 17.56m high by 44.62m wide display with an 8mm pixel pitch.

Willy Aubert

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